SmartAdvocate Support

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All SmartAdvocate users are to submit any issues or incidents to the firm’s Administrator. If your Admin is unable to resolve the matter, they can create a request in the SmartAdvocate Support Tracker.

A Team Member will be assigned to your ticket and will respond/begin troubleshooting the issue (usually within one business day) depending on the urgency of the issue that is being reported.

Need Help?

SmartAdvocate has many resources to help answer/learn/resolve the most frequently asked questions:

Jenisis Pope

Makes my day to day work handling cases so much easier and super easy to find information that was inputted and keep track of it all.

Jonathan Ibarra

I have used several computing systems in handling cases. Smart Advocate is clearly the best option. Also, the system is updated and improved, and administrators are responsive to inquiries.

Ari williams

Smart advocate is a great tool that I use daily to complete legal tasks. It is efficient, easy to use, and quick to learn. I would recommend to all employers.